After 2 years of the scowling faces in Latvia, more on Latvia later, it was a very nice change to see the smiling and friendly faces in Myanmar. The people of Myanmar are genuinely very nice and kind.
They also love kids. If you have a cute blonde haired, blue eyed child they become a bit star struck. I'm very protective of my son. Living in foreign countries and too many episodes of Criminal Minds will do that to a mother. Immediately upon arrival the face petting began. They see my son and get a "look" in their eyes and a smile broadens across their face. The hand reaches out and with a second thought they pet my son's face. I believe that this is done with only good intentions and kindness in their hearts.
My son HATES it. (I don't like it either)
He has been taught, my body my rules. He's has been taught about consent. He knows he is allowed to push their hand away and if I see it happening I will step in and grab their hand, move my son, or wrapped my arm around him in a protective manner.
This behavior makes it hard to go out to experience the city. Going to the wet markets we spend more time fending off pettings than we do shopping. Going to the indoor play areas, my son receives a lot of unwanted attention from the staff. He just wants to play and make friends. He is often photographed with out permission. Several time people have tried to lead him off to get the perfect selfie with him. We even had to ask the guards and custodial staff at his school, which is all Myanmar, not to pet him.
Because of this we tend to go to a lot of places frequented by westerners.
There have been a few times we were sitting on a bench. Someone will walk up, reach out to pet him and look me in the eye to tell me how cute he is. Like he's not a person. Like he's a pet. To which I respond by grabbing their hand and telling them, "He's a person. He is not a dog."