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Times Are Changing.....

Writer's picture: ciaokiddiesciaokiddies

It's the Corona pandemic and everything is different.

The schools here have closed down. We started home schooling on Wednesday. Initially I was really nervous about this. I'm not the home schooling type of parent.

I don't actually hate it. I'm lucky that my son is really good most of the time. He pays attention, is well behaved, and wants to learn.

I explained to him that just because the school was closed that didn't mean he was on holiday. We would keep school hours and do school work. There would be no tablets or TV during school hours unless it was part of the school work.

He has been really accepting of this.

Our schedule looks something like this:

8 - 9 Exercise (walk/yoga/whatever)

9 - 9:45 English


10 - 10:45 Maths


11 - 11:45 IPC (currently studying Mars)

11:45 - 12:30 Lunch

12:30 - 1:15 Chinese/Thai/Whatever else needs to be covered

1:30 - 2:15 Art/Music/Cooking

2:15 - done Free choice, he can choose whatever he wants to learn about

I've heard that home schooling shouldn't be a rigid schedule, but I need a schedule to stick to, and these times are flexible. For example, we only had about 10 minutes of Thai yesterday and spent the rest of the day having a water fight before a video conference with his class.

It's a scary time. We are staying home with a few trips to the 7-11 for occasional provisions. I did go to the grocery store and stock up, but I didn't go cray-cray. I didn't panic shop like so many Americans back home.

Come to Thailand, we have toilet paper!

The stores are fully stocked, there doesn't seem to be much of anything missing except hand sanitizer.

I am utilizing my drive by shops. I just bought veggies from the drive by veggie seller. He also had fish and eggs too.

When we need food, one of us will go to the store and refill our stock. We will be careful and sanitize.

My husband still has to report to the school, he's a teacher, but they are social distancing. There is just one adult in a classroom, working on assignments and trying to figure all this out. I think my husband is working harder now than when there were

children in his classroom!

It's a new time and new rules. It's going to take some adjusting and it's going to take a long time. A long time to adjust to the new rules and a long time for the virus to settle, for a vaccine to be developed, and to find treatments that are effective against Corona.

Stay safe and wash your hands.



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