There's a lot going on in the world right now. The U.S. democratic primaries are in full swing, health care being a number one priority for me.
Corona virus has hit the U.S. and in my home state too. Latvia has also reported it's first case.
It's an uncertain time and I'm nervous about it all.
I see a lot of posts on social media from friends, making fun of everyone worried about the virus spread. It's true, most people will not be effected much by the virus. They are not in a high risk group. They will likely catch it, feel sick for a few days and then carry on with their daily lives. Have you thought about your elderly family? What about anyone with COPD, or chronic smokers? You may not be hurt by the virus, but it's likely you will know someone that will die because of it. There are many of us that will likely die and we are worried.
This weekend we headed to our nearest Makro store. It's a lot like a Costco. We stocked up on non-perishables. Nothing crazy, but just a little extra, just in case.
I have updated all my emergency contacts and touched base with those I trust the most if something were to happen to me or my husband.
Yesterday I headed down to the hospital, I've been coughing for a month since my last cold. I have a history of pneumonia and I wanted to get it looked at and taken care of. I spent most of the day there, which sucked. I got a chest x-ray, waited for results. Nothing remarkable in the x-ray. Headed to the GP, waited to see the doctor. After checking my travel it was determined I have a little bronchitis. Antibiotics and $20.00 later I was on my way.
(That's right, I paid $20 for a chest x-ray, doctor visit, and antibiotics. Suck it American medical system)
The school has canceled after school clubs for the week. Thailand has added more countries to their travel advisory. Pretty soon it won't be safe to travel anywhere.